Practicing an old skill

While growing up, I wanted to get as many clothes for my dolls as possible. Since my family was broke 99% of the time, my mom decided to teach me how to sew.  As the years progressed, my projects became bigger and then smaller based on my wants and needs.  When I didn’t feel like buying a small coin purse, I made one. When I was too broke to buy a pair of jeans, I would get hand-me downs from friends and family and then I would tailor them to fit.  I even made my own blouse to wear when I was 10 years old (too bad it didn’t last long 😦 ).

I am at a point at my life where I don’t have to make anything if I want or need it. But buying everything does lose its appeal with time.

This is what I am working on:

2013-02-02 20.35.57


It doesn’t look like much now, but this is will eventually become a purse. Purses activate my  unnecessary spending binges from time to time. So why not try to control them a little by making one myself?

Since I am not using my sewing machine, the process is taking LONGER than I anticipated. I wish it wasn’t broken.  I hope by the time I finish this project, I will be able to control my urge to just buy another purse when I see one.  And maybe train me in the art of delayed self-gratification.




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